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American Family Association
P.O. Drawer 2440
Tupelo, MS 38803
Charles Colson's Breakpoint Ministries
Concerned Women for America
570 L'Enfant Promenade, SW, Suite 800
Washington, D.C. 20024
Creation Science Ministries (Answers in Genesis)
P.O. Box 6330
Florence, KY 41022
(606) 647-2900
Family Research Council
700 Thirteenth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005
(202) 393-2100
Focus on the Family
Colorado Springs, CO 80995
Foundation for Traditional Values
4407 W. St. Joseph
Lansing, MI 48917
(517) 321-6233
Intercessors for America
P.O. Box 4477
Leesburg, VA 22075
(705) 777-0003
Strategic Christian Services (An education, leadership and discipleship resource.)
1221 Farmers Lane, Suite B
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
(707) 578-7700
Ravi Zacharias International Ministries
Summit Ministries (Educational resource. Publishes materials including Understanding the Times)
P.O. Box 207
Manitou Springs, CO 80829
Christian Communicator-A source of news and encouragement for Christian writers and speakers
American Christian Writers
P.O. Box 5168
Phoenix, AZ 85010
Chronicles Magazine
Citizen Magazine-A publication of Focus on the Family
P.O. Box 35500
Colorado Springs, CO 80935-3550
Creation Magazine-A creation-based alternative to National Geographic
Creation Science Ministries
P.O. Box 6330
Florence, KY 41022
Current Thoughts & Trends -- A Navigators publication -- summarizes what's hot in Christian and secular periodicals
P.O. Box 35004
Colorado Springs, CO 80935-3504
Discipleship Journal -- A Navigators publication -- issues in discipleship
P.O. Box 54470
Boulder, CO 80322-4470
The Family in America
The Rockford Institute
934 Main Street
Rockford, IL 61103-7061
Imprimis-a topical collection of conservative essays and columns
Hillsdale College
Hillsdale, Ml 49242
Liberty -- A thought-provoking bimonthly magazine which discusses church/state issues from both sides
12501 Old Columbia Pike
Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600
The Art of Readable Writing, Rudolf Flesch (MacMillan)
Christian Writers' Market Guide
Joy Publishing
P.O. Box 827
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
The Elements of Grammar, Margaret Shertzer (MacMillan)
The Elements of Style, William Strunk, Jr. and E.B. White (MacMillan)
Christian Writer's Guide (Zondervan)
Writers Information Network--the professional association for Christian Writers
Christian Writers Fellowship International
CLASS Services, Inc.
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