Guidelines | Ten Steps | Lesson Plans | Order | Active Groups
With the help of the Church Writing Group Curriculum, you can take action to achieve a discipled nation by first teaching obedience in your community. Church Writing Groups around the nation are sowing the seed of God's Word as never before - through their local media. These people, from all walks of life, take whatever writing skills they have been given and surrender them to God in a serious effort to obey the Great Commission, "to make disciples... teaching them to obey all I have commanded them." The result is that Christian writers are being discipled, and people are being exposed to God's Word.
If you have not yet formed your Church Writing Group, here are a few suggestions about how to begin:
» Begin praying for a group to form.
» Enlist the support of your pastor and lay leaders.
» Gather a core of interested people.
» Adopt Matthew 28:18-20 as your statement of purpose.
» Identify a group leader or coordinator.
» Pray as a group.
» Discuss ideas as a group.
» Begin to use the CWG curriculum, starting with Lesson One.
» Adopt a "Discipling Work Ethic," making your discipling efforts the priority of your life.
The twelve lessons which follow will give direction to your meetings and train the members of your church or school to be more effective in their writing efforts. The helpful leader's guide will offer suggestions about how to begin your group, suggestions about how to implement the lesson materials, lesson-by-lesson, and possible ways to adapt the curriculum to meet the needs of individual groups.
You are about to embark upon an adventure in obedience to the Great Commission and we are excited for you! Please let us know about your group so we can pray for you and report on your progress in Pen & Sword, the Church Writing Group newsletter. We love to hear about the articles which are published in your area and are happy to answer any questions you may have.
As you finish the twelve lessons, we want to hear from you. Do you have anything to add to these lessons for future editions? What else would your group like to see covered?
We pray that God will richly bless your group as you begin to make disicples in your hometown, and around the nation.
Leader's Guidelines
Lesson 1 - The Church Writing Group Vision
Lesson 2 - Living and Writing in Love
Lesson 3 - Making Disciples
Lesson 4 - Speaking for God
Lesson 5 - The Power of Prayer
Lesson 6 - Dealing With Subtle Sin In Our Lives
Lesson 7 - Rightly Handling the Word
Lesson 8 - Writing Skillfully
Lesson 9 - Teaching Without Preaching
Lesson 10 - Unity Among Believers
Lesson 11 - Expanding Your Knowledge
Lesson 12 - Embrace the Vision
Other References