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Recognizing that each Church Writing Group will be prayerfully and submissively led by the Holy Spirit, we see certain central characteristics important to the mission of discipling spiritual infants in Christ and other secular readers.

» The major purpose is to disciple readers of the secular (non-religious) media. The work is to teach obedience to everything Jesus has commanded us.

» Because 84% of Americans believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ and 74% confess commitment to Him, the secular reading audience will be recognized as family, as spiritual infants, as the lambs of whom Jesus said - Peter do you really love me? Feed my lambs.

» The writing language will be contemporary secular English, not fluent evangelical or fellowship Christianese.

» Church writing group meetings will be bathed in prayer - the communication power is God's love for all His children.

» Regular, faithful bible study by each writer is essential to success.

» The writing will never be strident or harsh, making simple points with sledge hammers, embarrassing the body of Christ.

» The writing will clearly and compassionately teach obedience to the commandments of Jesus and will reflect the fruit of the spirit, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control which are embodied in the spiritual character of the author.

» Church Writing Group participants will meet on a predetermined, regular basis. There should be group commitment to a minimum of one published piece per month.

» Critical to the Church Writing Group mission, each published work should contain at least one passage of scripture. It should be carefully woven into the text, identified as biblical, and reinforce the Christ-centered truth being taught.

» Sensitive, appropriate use of scripture is required because its use calls forth the power of the promise of God that His word will not return to Him void.

» Sound research is valued. Group members share resources and ideas.

» Writing projects are discussed, critiqued, and strengthened by group review. Encouragement is the predominant attitude.

» Church Writing Group members will pursue a disciplined effort to be well informed about current events of a local, regional, national and global nature.

» The biblical position regarding social, moral and cultural conflicts will be determined and communicated.

» Church Writing Group participants will avail themselves of learning opportunities through Christian writer conferences, publications, and correspondence courses.

» Participants will appreciate the importance of reading both Christian and secular authors, publications, and resources so their writing reflects understanding of the whole picture, adding power and credibility to their biblical perspective.

» Writers will participate in one-on-one discipling to experience growth, obedience and teaching sensitivities.

» Existing, well-designed, widely used discipling materials are available. These will be studied and principles understood to enhance discipling through writing skills and techniques.

» As Carl F.H. Henry points out in his book, Twilight of a Great Civilization, "We should spend more time exhibiting the superiorities of the biblical world view and proclaiming the victories of the gospel than in exposing the vanities of our generation."

Discipling focus of Church Writing Groups within the church will energize the body of Christ spiritually and mobilize resources in perfect harmony with the will of God. Print media employees will be influenced as they read the compelling, biblical positions of spirit-led Christian writers. Print media readers will be discipled. The mandate of the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ will be fulfilled in obedience and love.

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