Overcoming Subtle Sins
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Overcoming Subtle Sins: The Key to Dynamic Discipleship "Powerful, Perceptive, Practical: what every Christian must do to survive and make disciples in these uncertain days."

Dr. Ralph S. Bell, Associate Evangelist, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

This book is a great resource for small groups with 16 short, digestible chapters and 10 engaging questions for each chapter.


Table of Contents:

  • What exactly are "subtle sins"?
  • Pride goes before a fall
  • What is so bad about looking out for #1
  • The religious sins
  • Green eye may be pretty, but not these green eyes
  • Anger and other combustible emotions
  • The subtle sin of a waging tongue
  • Who's minding your mind?
  • The unbearable weight of a chip on the shoulder
  • Sleeping in the Son
  • It's hard to warm up to a porcupine
  • The dumps are a terrible place to live
  • Confession is more than saying "I'm sorry"
  • The ever-present helper
  • The power of self-discipline
  • The truly good life

Ah,the joys of summer! Warm temperatures, bright sunshine, the smell of mown grass... What could be more perfect? How about a beautifully manicured lawn without weeds — wishful thinking, right?

Just like our lawns, our lives are not perfect. Of course, most followers of Jesus lead a moral life. But do we tell a lie occasionally? Do we gossip? Are we resentful or bitter? proud or impatient? rude or haughty? irritable or closed-minded? envious or jealous? prayerless and apathetic? Do we take God's goodness for granted? etc

In Galatians, the Apostle Paul calls us to live in the Spirit and apart from sin: "Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires." (5:24) This is so God can grow the fruits of the Spirit in sin's place. Could you use a little more love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, etc.?

Just like the weeds in your lawn, you have to spend time with God removing the subtle sins that rob your joy, steal your blessings, and ruin your relationships. This book will help: first by identifying the subtle varieties of sin and then by providing guidance and encouragement on how to confess, repent, and turn from them. We have been blessed to publish this book, and we know you will be blessed by reading it and by overcoming subtle sins!

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ISBN: 1-931744-25-4

Title: Overcoming Subtle Sins

Authors: Dr. Jim Dyet & Jim Russell, Sr.


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