Expanding my ministry by Discipling My Neighborhood:
The 8th component of "Becoming A Christ-Centered, Disciple-Making Church" is "Discipling My Neighborhood." Jesus spoke of our "neighborhoods" as fields in Matthew 9:37-39:
Then Jesus said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."
We identify 10 practical ways to involve each member in the disciple-making ministry of their neighborhood.
- I will pray every day for God’s blessing in doing the work of the Kingdom-building principle “EACH ONE, BRING ONE, EACH YEAR.”
Corresponding Blessing: As I pray every day for spiritual guidance in doing the work of "EACH ONE, BRING ONE, EACH YEAR," God begins to place before me people and opportunities upon which to focus my prayers.
- I will show love for my neighbor by making a commitment to bring him or her and their family into the discipling fellowship of our Christ-Centered, Disciple-Making Church. I will work to do this by June 30th of each year.
Corresponding Blessing: I am blessed as I see the changed lives of those being brought into our Disciple-Making fellowship.
- I will start praying for my neighbors to the left, to the right, across the street and behind me, coworkers, classmates, store clerks, restaurant servers, and others I am in frequent contact with, asking God to prepare their hearts for His calling.
Corresponding Blessing: A sense of purpose and significance comes into my life as I pray for my neighbors and those with whom I routinely come into contact.
- I will ask the Holy Spirit to lead me in friendly dialogue about topics of interest to my neighbor, and gently, gradually introducing in love, materials/discussion and biblical truth about peace with God through Jesus Christ.
Corresponding Blessing: A sense of peace envelopes me as love overcomes fear of rejection, and replaces confrontation with gentle friendliness in my dialogue with those for whom I am praying.
- I will become a friend first, sharing in his or her interests where they are not sinful so we may have friendship as the common ground leading to Spirit-filled biblical discussions.
Corresponding Blessing: Warm friendships develop as we engage in dialogue and activities of shared wholesome interests.
- I will invite them to church events, Sunday worship, small/group meetings, Sunday School, and other discipling opportunities as the Holy Spirit leads.
Corresponding Blessing: Invitations to attend Sunday worship and other events at our A Christ-Centered, Disciple-Making Church come about in easy natural conversations and moments.
- I will work to meet the special needs of the underprivileged and society's outcasts, lovingly teaching obedience to Jesus' commandments in the process.
Corresponding Blessing: I find a new dimension of loving God in working to meet the needs of the underprivileged, the addicted, the outcasts of our society. Opportunities abound to teach obedience to Jesus' commandments.
- I will bring a loving, caring presence to the elderly, the sick, the orphans, and those in prison, always teaching obedience in the process.
Corresponding Blessing: What a joy to follow Jesus' example in caring for the elderly, the sick, the singles, the orphaned, and visiting those in prisons. It becomes so easy to teach obedience of Jesus' commandments when serving others.
- I will subscribe to the local newspaper to be informed of the issues and present God's truth in teaching obedience through letters to the editor, guest editorials, and book reviews; thereby using this public medium available to every Christian to make disciples of thousands in our neighborhood.
Corresponding Blessing: Our neighborhood and community is enlightened and blessed by Letters to the Editor, guest editorials and books reviews coming forth from our Church Writing Groups. Biblical truth is being taught to thousands and our neighborhoods thrive using our local newspapers as a discipling instrument for building the Kingdom of God.
- I will prayerfully use the ten biblical tools outlined at the beginning of this grand cause and always promote, encourage and personally honor the Kingdom-building principle of EACH ONE, BRING ONE, EACH YEAR.
Corresponding Blessing: What a blessing it is to study, absorb, and apply the ten biblical tools for building A Christ-Centered, Disciple-Making Church. They form the foundation of character for building the Kingdom of God here on earth. Each is imbued with its own unique power: Love, Prayer, Truth, Righteousness, Faith, Obedience, Wisdom, Work, Commitment and Accountability.
Next Component: Each One, Bring One, Each Year