Following Christ by Discipling Myself:
The 5th component of "Becoming A Christ-Centered, Disciple-Making Church" is "Discipling Myself." To become a disciple-maker, each believer must first become a disciple. The following 9 steps are sure-fire ways to train ourselves to be like Christ.
- I will pray every day for A Disciple-Making, Christ-Centered Church. I will work with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength in this mission of the grandest of all causes. I will personally honor the commitment: Each one, bring one, each year.
Corresponding Blessing: As I pray for A Christ-Centered, Disciple-Making Church, a sense of being in harmony with the vision of God, the mission of Jesus Christ and the leading of the Holy Spirit comes over me.
- I will read at least one chapter of God's truth every day and work to apply it in my life.
Corresponding Blessing: As I pray for A Christ-Centered, Disciple-Making Church, a sense of being in harmony with the vision of God, the mission of Jesus Christ and the leading of the Holy Spirit comes over me.
Corresponding Blessing: As I read at least one chapter of God's word every day, I become increasingly effective and productive in my knowledge of Jesus Christ.
- I will take a personal inventory of the blatant and subtle sin in my life that I may instantly know when it occurs and enter into a state of righteousness through confession and repentance.
Corresponding Blessing: In regular confession and repentance of the blatant and subtle sin in my life, I experience forgiveness, freedom from guilt, meaning in life, and an experience of peace unknown before.
- I will develop a forgiving spirit, never permitting pride, selfishness, or vanity to prevent me from being the first to say, "I'm sorry."
Corresponding Blessing: As a forgiving spirit begins to ascend in my life, my mind is freed from harbored animosities and resentments. I am more creative, patient, loving, and productive.
- I will submit to the authority of truth, seeking to be mentored by elders, pastors, or any Christian teaching biblical truth in wisdom and love.
Corresponding Blessing: As I seek out and become open to biblical wisdom, my understanding and effectiveness improves.
- I will not be intellectually lazy, but will work to understand the times and know what Christians must do. I will subscribe to challenging publications both secular and Christian.
Corresponding Blessing: As I work to overcome intellectual laziness, I have greater insight to the work God is doing all around me. I become increasingly involved in teaching obedience.
- I will continually express my gratitude to my heavenly Father for His goodness and mercy.
Corresponding Blessing: As my awareness and gratitude for His goodness and mercy grows, my desire to please him intensifies. This becomes evident in heightened love for those around me.
- I will constantly hold before me the biblical truth that the central purpose of a Christian life is to be an obedient disciple and to make disciples by teaching obedience of all that Jesus commanded.
Corresponding Blessing: Understanding the central purpose of a Christian life [being obedient and teaching obedience to Jesus' commandments] gives me direction, purpose and the answer to life's three major questions: Where did I come from? Why am I here? And where am I going? My life becomes significant.
- I will be engaged in prayer through the day and submit to a regular discipline of fasting as the Spirit of the Lord leads me.
Corresponding Blessing: Through prayer, I am in direct, loving communication with my heavenly Father. I learn that in the quiet moments of prayer he leads me. I am overwhelmed and comforted by the knowledge that I serve a prayer-answering God.
As I become an obedient disciple, I am moved by the commitment that to build A Christ-Centered, Disciple-Making Church, I personally must honor the Kingdom-building work of EACH ONE, BRING ONE, EACH YEAR.
Next Component: Discipling My Family