Starting my ministry by Discipling My Family:
The 6th component of "Becoming A Christ-Centered, Disciple-Making Church" is "Discipling My Family." We identify 8 ways for families to start making disciples in their own homes.
- I will pray and work toward the goal that each member of my family is becoming an obedient disciple, engaged in teaching obedience of all Jesus' commandments.
Corresponding Blessing: As I pray and work for discipling obedience in my family, my love and devotion for each of them is enriched as God works to answer this prayer so pleasing to his ear.
- I will encourage each member of my family to read at least one chapter of God's truth daily and frequently do it together as family.
Corresponding Blessing: As our family becomes more disciplined in reading at least one chapter of God's truth daily, our expectations, understanding and love for one another become more meaningful as Jesus' behavioral standards become our common goal.
- I will observe the discipline of praying before every meal as a family, thanking God for His food and asking His blessing on it.
Corresponding Blessing: Prayer, expressing our gratitude and seeking his blessing before every meal, reminds us who created the food and contributes to the development of Godly and peaceful discussion at our family meals.
- I will honor and speak to the truth that among the greatest things parents can do for their children is to faithfully love one another and display it in their communication and actions. I will never let vanity, selfishness, or pride prevent me from being the first to say, "I'm sorry." This act of loving repentance heals the wounds of anger and emotional anguish.
Corresponding Blessing: Consciously praying every day for my family, spouse, children, parents, brothers and sisters and displaying a genuine and sincere willingness to be the first to say "I'm sorry" leads to a spiritual bonding of love and trust toward one another. Quickness to forgive brings freedom from suppressed guilt, resentment, anger and bitterness, and fosters peace of mind and the joy of family harmony.
- I will teach and honor the biblical truth that children are to respectfully obey their parents and parents are not to exasperate their children.
Corresponding Blessing: As we pray and read God's truth together, we develop a common understanding of what God wants the interrelationship of parents and children to be. We recognize that parents need to define behavioral boundaries and administer fair, decisive, and timely discipline to their children until they leave home as young adults. The resulting love, admiration and respect for one another builds a lifelong friendship and has no satisfying equal. In a disciplined family, children obey their parents and parents do not exasperate their children.
- I will encourage prayer together as a family before every major undertaking, during every family crisis, when major decisions are contemplated, and whenever any member of our family is hurting.
Corresponding Blessing: As prayer together becomes Christ-centered, family relationships are strengthened and the expression of love between family members increases. One cannot pray for one's family, pray with one's family, and be available for conversation with one's family [listening to them, not just talking to them] without family relationships being strengthened. A greater expression of love will be the natural result.
- I will always make myself available for prayer or Bible study discussion, or whenever a family member wishes the privacy of more intimate dialogue.
Corresponding Blessing: The spiritual well-being of my family is the key to the health of the congregation, the neighborhood, and the nation. As I openly, patiently, lovingly show my desire to engage in thoughtful discussion of biblical truth centered around Jesus' commandments, such dialogue becomes more frequent, easy, and helpful. No problem solution is beyond the authority of truth found in the words and life of our perfect model, Jesus of Nazareth.
- I will always work for the unity and preservation of our family because I know the divine institution of marriage and family life is among the greatest blessings of the human experience.
Corresponding Blessing: As our family life surrenders to the discipling obedience of Jesus' commandments, a dimension of harmony, peace and joy descends upon our family, enabling us to live in the world, not with a spirit of fear, but with a spirit of power, and of love and sound reasoning. The solid base of security in our home, centered on biblical truth and the principles of Jesus' authority, give us direction and purpose in the world. Truly the divine institution of marriage and family life is among the greatest blessings of the human experience.
- As a family we become committed to the work of "Becoming A Christ-Centered, Disciple-Making Church" and know we must honor the working principle of EACH ONE, BRING ONE, EACH YEAR.
Next Component: Discipling My Congregation