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Greg Asimakoupoulos - pastor; author of eight books (including a volume of poetry) and more than two hundred articles and a freelance news reporter with the Salem Radio Network. Greg Asimakoupoulos photo

William E. Cripe, Sr. - pastor; columnist for the Central Maine Morning Sentinel and the Kennebec Journal; winner of three Amy Writing Awards. William E. Cripe photo

Tom Flannery - the author of the Amy Writing Awards $10,000 first prize for 2007.  Tom writes a weekly political/social column for the Carbondale News entitled "The Good Fight" and a continuing religious column entitled "Why Believe the Bible?" His opinion pieces have appeared in Newsday, The Los Angeles Times, and Social Justice Review. He is a previous Amy Writing Award winner and won a 1997 Pennsylvania Newspaper Publishers Association (PNPA) Keystone Press Award for photo journalism.   Tom Flannery photo

Gary Hardaway - freelance writer, adjunct professor, and Executive Director of the Summit School of Ministry in Lynden WA. Has published many articles in national print media including Christianity Today, First Things, Moody Monthly, The Christian Leader, The Mennonite Brethren Herald, Power and others. Former contributor to Charles Colson's BreakPoint radio broadcast. He holds a Ph. D. in foundations of education and an M. A. degree in theology/apologetics;

is the author of "Atheists Say the Nastiest Things";  and is a previous Amy Writing Award winner.   Gary Hardaway photo

Shaunna Howat - author of high school curriculum Biblical Worldview Rhetoric 1 and 2, Shaunna is former co-editor of The Amy Foundation’s Pen & Sword newsletter. Shaunna teaches Rhetoric and worldviews classes at The Potter’s School, an internet-based classroom. She serves with The Potter’s School as Academic Coordinator as well. She blogs at Shaunna and her husband Kyle have three grown children and live in Amelia, Ohio.  Shaunna Howat photo

James Jackson - freelance writer; former "Voices" columnist for The Lansing State Journal; current columnist for the Valley Christian Chronicle.  Jim is currently the editor of the Amy Internet Syndicate and has recently published In All Things... Moral Reflections and Decisions on Life Issues, which encourages readers to acknowledge God's answers to daily challenges.  This book is available online from Tate Publishing at www.tatepublishing.comJim Jackson photo

Greg Rummo - businessman; president of New Chemic (US), Inc.; columnist for The Record of Hackensack and The New Jersey Herald; author of The View from the Grass Roots. Greg Rummo photo

Jan White - the author of the Amy Writing Awards $10,000 first prize for 2006.  Jan has worked for three newspapers and written a weekly religion column for her local newspaper, The Andalusia Star-News, for over eleven years.  Early in her writing career, she worked as a ghostwriter on the publication staff of a national ministry.  She has also co-authored two books. Jan White photo  

Kendall Wingrove - freelance writer; Senior Communications Specialist at Delta Dental of Michigan;  former Director of Communications and Director of Public Relations Strategies at the Michigan House of Representatices;  Amy Writing Award winner. Kendall Wingrove photo

Rusty Wright - author, journalist and university lecturer who has spoken on six continents; Amy Writing Award winner.  Website:  www.RustyWright.comRusty Wright photo

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