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We have a plan to disciple by providing churches with more effective, easy-to-use tools that will help. A Discipled Nation Plan starts with discipling one’s self, tackles the tough issues of the family, and then initiates discipling activities in our churches and neighborhoods. Here are some things people are saying:
“We started with eight in our Sunday school class and we have over 40 each Sunday now.” Pastor Pat Bossio, Faith Christian Assembly
“The Discipled Nation Plan Workbook Series provides solid spiritual direction. It eliminates the "fluffiness" sometimes found especially in women's materials and gets right to the "meat of things" with a step by step process of how to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ.” Laurie Frisbie, Homemaker
“A Discipled Nation Plan curriculum offers clear guidelines for people who desire to be transformed by the Holy Spirit into the likeness of Christ. I am excited about its potential to guide people into the kind of whole-person, lifelong learning that Jesus seeks.” Doreen L. Olson, Executive Minister Dept. of Christian Formation, Evangelical Covenant Church