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“The United States - A Discipled Nation in this Generation”
The Amy Foundation offers a self-contained brochure titled "The United States - A Discipled Nation in this Generation" which outlines a biblical plan for discipling our nation by the year 2025.
Upon presenting His awesome credentials, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me," Jesus immediately defined the central work of mission for all future generations of believers with this commandment. "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations. . ." He further defined the work of making disciples as, "Teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." As the last words attributed to Him in the book of Matthew, presented at the conclusion of His resurrection ministry, following the declaration of his astonishing credentials, just prior to His ascension into heaven, the mandated obedience prescribed for all future Christians in this commandment must have been very important to Him!
We invite you to prayerfully study this plan for THE UNITED STATES -- A DISCIPLED NATION IN THIS GENERATION. Determine Gods role for you in this grand cause. Be reminded, "There are no great people in this world, only great causes which ordinary people rise to meet." Let us know how we can help.
“...The Discipled Nation Plan, when obediently honored by Christians in America, will restore our nation's spiritual and moral character. It calls on us to focus on the daily reading of the Bible as the foundation to teaching obedience in ourselves, our families, our congregations and our neighborhoods. This Christ-centered discipline will change the direction of our nation back to God, which we desperately need to do if we are to continue to grow and become an even greater nation.” Sam Moore, President and CEO, Thomas Nelson Publishers.
Additional copies of the Discipled Nation Plan are available free for distribution at scheduled events such as church services, prayer breakfasts, seminars, workshops, praise gatherings, concerts, retreats, church camps, prison ministries, marriage counseling weekends, and other Christian events where the Discipled Nation Plan would be given to each individual attending. For more information, contact The Amy Foundation, P. O. Box 16091, Lansing, MI 48901. Phone: 517/323-6233.
The Discipled Nation Plan contains the following seven elements:
» Eight Biblical Tools for the Work of Making Disciples
» A call to Righteousness
» A call to The Authority of Truth
» A call to Obedience of Jesus' Commandments
» A call to The Work of Teaching Obedience to self, family, congregation and neighborhood
» A call to Measuring the Behavioral Results of Discipling Obedience
» A call to - The Blessings of a Discipled and Obedient Nation flowing to self, family, congregation and neighborhood