The Plan | How to Use Plan | Mission | Order | Resources


1. Prayerfully study the Discipled Nation Plan one hour a day for one week.

2. Commit your life to the vision of God, the mission of Jesus Christ as biblically presented in this plan. There are more than one hundred sermon topics in this plan.

3. Begin the work of discipling yourself, your family, your church, and your community. Discipling is always teaching obedience to everything Jesus commanded us to do.

4. Teach the board members and leaders of your church to submit their lives to the righteousness and obedience called for in the Discipled Nation Plan.

5. Align your church mission statement with Jesus' final instructions to, "make disciples ... by teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."

6. Teach the need for everyone to have a Bible and a copy of the Discipled Nation Plan inside the cover. In every small group, every Bible study, every adult Sunday school class, half the meeting time should be spent in helpful review of discipling experiences of the past week and each person's discipling plans for the coming week.

7. Continually teach and hold before your congregation the blessing of a discipled self, family, church, and community.



1. Prayerfully study the Discipled Nation Plan one hour a day for one week.

2. Commit your life to the biblical vision and mission outlined in this remarkable plan.

3. Begin the work of discipling self, family, church, and community. Discipling is always teaching obedience to all that Jesus has commanded us to do.

4. Share the Discipled Nation Plan with your pastor. Support him in his efforts to do the work of this plan. If he is not yet led in this direction, you must lovingly be about the discipling work to which Jesus calls us.

5. In your small group participation introduce the Discipled Nation Plan, encourage its use and teach the need for discipling obedience. Half the meeting time of every small group should be spent in review and discussion of discipling experiences of the past week and each person's discipling plans for the coming week.

6. You must recognize the central purpose of a Christian life is to be an obedient disciple and to make disciples by teaching obedience to all Jesus has commanded us to do. You must be engaged in this work simultaneously in four areas of your life: self, family, church, and community.

7. Study the blessings of a discipled nation presented in this plan. Imagine the blessings to self, family, church and community in a nation where God is exalted and Jesus reigns in the hearts of the people. "Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven..."

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